RAN Technology

Joe Munson WA4VAG (SK)

General Information 02/13/2024 

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Posted By: Robert Nickels (ranickels)
Posted on 02/13/2024

With great sadness we note the passing of a veteran, long-time ham, and one of the most interesting people I've ever met,  Joe Munson WA4VAG.   Joe's love for military radios began when his life depended on one - the famous "Prick 74" that he toted around Viet Nam (and certain other countries where the US miltary officially never was) and expanded to include working examples of most WWII era transmitters and receivers and many others.   He was an expert on military radio history and always ran  tham as designed, including from "dynamonsters", no matter how many car batteries had to be series-parallel connected to run them.   Over time he became the official net control station for the 3885 WWII military radio net held each Saturday of the Dayton Hamvention, otherwise known as the largest assemblage of working BC-611 walkie-talkies on the planet!   

Joe was an unforgettable character who traveled far and wide as part of his career as a newspaper photographer, which brought him into contact with many dignitaries and celebrities.   But he was the least star-struck of any person alive - not being interested in pop culture or sports to Joe they were just folks, and by treating them as such a mutual respect and friendship quickly developed.   

Joe was one of the founders of the Midwest Military Radio Collectors Group (MMRCG) and will be greatly missed by his countless friends both on the air and in real life around his home in Walton KY.

Joseph Clark Munson, 81, of Walton, Kentucky passed away Tuesday, February 13, 2024, in Erlanger, Kentucky.

He was born on January 11, 1943, in St. Louis, Missouri to Walter Wayne and Wilma (McConkey) Munson who precede him in death.

Joe was a longtime photojournalist for the former Kentucky Post/Scripts Howard Newspapers. He was a Ham Radio operator and a military enthusiast, having served his country in the US Army during Vietnam. Joe was also an avid outdoorsman, having walked the Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Coast Trail and many other outdoor adventures. He loved to fish and hunt and of course, his photography carried over to his outdoor adventures.

Surviving is his sister, Jane Hogg and a host of other family members and friends.

No Visitation. A Graveside service with Military Honors will be held Friday, February 23, 2024, at the Mount Summit Cemetery in Rockwood, Illinois under the direction of Pechacek Funeral Home, Chester, Ilinois.

Local arrangements are being handled by Middendorf-Bullock Funeral Home, Erlanger, Kentucky.

A Celebration of Life event is planned for Northern Kentucky in the future


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